Saturday, February 03, 2007

Making Money and Your Emotions

Here is one reality show that has not made headline news but one I think we could learn from. Enjoy! …

Letting your emotions get in the way could affect your thinking and limit your ability to focus on making money.

I saw a programme “Did They Pay off Their Mortgage in 2 Years?” a few days ago. It was the follow up to a programme that two years ago challenged people to loose their debts by paying their mortgage off in just 2 years.

Presented by businessman René Carayol, participants had to make extreme changes to their lifestyles if they were to achieve the dream of owning their property debt free. The episode in question featured the Drakes, a young couple who had all the desire and focus needed to reach their mission.

Steph Drake, an animal lover started out by setting up a dog walking business, which with the help of a friend soon started making money. Thinking cap on, she also came up with a natural extension to her current business, to sell animal products through a website. Her husband, Neil on the other hand went for investing in a building site in Bulgaria.

The Drakes’, though progressing were soon faced with loss of focus, productivity, and the will power to carry on. They had found themselves getting emotional, and when emotions set in, what happens, you quickly lose sight of what needs doing.

You see emotion – the wrong type - is the number one saboteur of getting things done. When you get emotional, you become tired and fearful. All things negative start flowing into your head and before long, you give up on your mission. Emotion, when used incorrectly drains you of the energy required to do things.

Just as the Drakes’ whose problems started when their emotions got in the way, you will find the reason you are not doing what you need to do is because you are allowing your emotions to affect your thinking. I know from personal experience the plans that have crashed are those were I have let my emotions blur my thinking.

The next time you find yourself slowing down, losing the will to continue, check out your emotions. Making money - or whatever your ambition - is about being energetic, focused and thinking clearly. If emotions are involved, they should be those that spur you towards your goal, not drain you of vital energy.

Remember, you make money by thinking, and you can start here

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