Imagine the advantage that comes with repeated payments for your work. You carry out a task once but you are paid for it not once but three times and more. A good way to make money don’t you think.
Take a photojournalist as an example, he (she) takes a photo once but receives payment for the photo repeatedly by newspapers and magazines who want to use the photo in their publication. The rewards, you will agree exceed the work involved in getting the photo.
Consider how a teacher, nurse or salaried employees make their money. A typical nurse would work fifty hours a week and only be paid once for the hours worked. Not a good idea is it, any time not spent working means time not earning money.
Now think about the two scenarios. Who do you think has the potential to make more money? The photojournalist earns money repeatedly but also more important has time, time to take more photos, do more and earn more. Our nurse on the other hand is stuck on one pay cheque and no time.
If you are earning your money only once, you still have time to change, to start receiving multiple payments for a single effort. All you need to do is think about how to make money by making good use of your time.
You can learn from a friend who saved and borrowed money to buy two refrigerated vans, which he has now rented out to a company. He will be recouping his money in four months and from then on, it’s all profit minus the expense of servicing the vans. While he is going about daily life, his vans are busy working and earning him money. In addition, he still has time to investigate more ways of making money.
Making money, is about how you think, making good use of your time and the money already in your control. Get your thinking straight to join the small group of people who receive multiple payments for a single effort.
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