Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Making Money: Cause and Effect

Cause and effect, the single most important principle key to being, doing and having all you want in life, including making money.

To be honest, this is one principle I have ignored too many times in my own life and I would guess you at some point, have done the same: ignored the effects of your actions.

If you care to think about how you arrived where you are now, you will realise your past actions - the choices you made determined your present predicament, give or take the odd surprises. You will come to the same conclusion if you applied the same thought to your current financial situation: your past actions created your current financial health, good or bad.

What does this mean to you? Making money depends on doing certain things in a certain way. Those who do such things - and do them in a certain way - become wealthy, whether they achieve that end on purpose or by accident; comparatively, those who falter in this dual respect, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, invariably remain poor.

All you need is to learn how to approach the building of wealth, and you will not be denied the chance to become wealthy. Think of your dream of owning and driving a car, you have to take driving lessons, and read road safety books, the same process is required if you dream of making and having money.

By the way, making money has nothing to do with age, formal education, gender or geography. You look around you and you will see rich and poor living side by side, in the same environment. Some young, some old, some with a degree, some without.

In fact, wealthy people have no greater talents or abilities than you. They are wealthy not because they possess certain things that you lack, but as stated a moment ago because they happen to do certain things in a certain way, and because they do not ignore the consequences of their actions.

No more excuses, you now know what is required to make money - you need to think, act and do things in a certain way. First off, you need to understand money, and this you will find out in my next blog, “Making Money: What is Money?

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