Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Making Money: What is Money?

The last blog addressed what you require to make money - “cause and effect”, thinking and doing things in a certain way and not ignoring the consequences of your actions. Today’s blog is about understanding what money is.

The answer to the above question seems obvious; the average man/woman on the street would say money is a pound coin, or a five-pound banknote. To many, money is seen as a “thing” - something you can hold or collect something tangible. You probably think the same too, just as I did a while back.

One major problem with this line of thought is that the five pound note in your wallet is nothing but paper with ink on it. It represents money, but it is not money. While money is defined as anything that is used for making payments and accounting for debts and credits, it is actually an idea introduced to facilitate trade as a means of exchange.

Money is the effect (remember cause and effect) of an idea. A reward for the effort put into creating an idea valuable to society and for bringing it to life.

What does this mean?

It means money has nothing to do with the coin or paper stuff rather it has to do with what your thought processes, feelings and consciousness.

If money is an idea - a product of the mind, then the creation and accumulation of money is influenced by the way you think. This also means all you have to do to earn and make money is to using your ideas create a product or service that increases the quality of our lives.

Look around you and you find true wealth belongs (rightly) to people who do the creating and or the producing and to people who arrange or organise the creation, the production and the exchange of goods and services in the market place.

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